by Denny Osborn | Apr 19, 2021
I have been struggling a lot lately. About writing this blog post, or any blog post, for that matter. In fact, I’m pretty discouraged. Reflecting on why I am feeling like this and why I’m procrastinating, I was struck by the notion that I was not...
by Denny Osborn | Aug 1, 2020
MarkTwain, the famous writer said, “Anger is an acid that may do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” Lately I have been thinking a lot about anger and once again, I find it ploughing its way...
by Denny Osborn | May 14, 2020
.….as I told my secrets, they lost some of their power over me, and I wasn’t so afraid to be known…. -J Keith Miller Commentary on James 5:16 How I Knew I Had Really Been Forgiven I sensed that my friend was in trouble when a few years ago he told me...